
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Eating and Enjoying It

Do you like to eat but hate to diet? That's me. I've had to "watch" my weight all of my life. It's not because of some traumatic happening way back when, but I eat because I enjoy eating. Now that doesn't mean I don't have to slack off every now and then. Like take a ten-minute walk. Or do a quick 15-minute workout. That's about all I seem to have time for lately. I read today about a couple ladies who wanted to be thin to look good and died from anorexia. I decided I will stay healthy and eat. Anorexia is not worth the health risks. That said, I have begun another website called Fat Fun For Life. It is for laughs and for people who can laugh or need to laugh at themselves. Laughing is a good medicine. Why not laugh at ourselves in the area most of us struggle with - eating!

I would love to have you visit me at Have a wonderful day!

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